Migrant Youth Transnational Families and the State Summarize

International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
Map of state parties and signatories of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.svg

States parties and signatories to the treaty:



Signed 18 December 1990[i]
Location New York
Effective 1 July 2003[i]
Condition 20 ratifications[1]
Signatories 39[1]
Parties 57[1]
Depositary Secretary-General of the United Nations
Languages Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Castilian

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families is a United nations multilateral treaty governing the protection of migrant workers and families. Signed on xviii December 1990, it entered into force on 1 July 2003 subsequently the threshold of 20 ratifying States was reached in March 2003. The Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW) monitors implementation of the convention, and is one of the vii UN-linked human rights treaty bodies. The convention applies as of August 2021 in 56 countries.[ane]

Context [edit]

"Information technology is time to accept a more than comprehensive look at the various dimensions of the migration issue, which now involves hundreds of millions of people, and affects countries of origin, transit and destination. We need to empathize better the causes of international flows of people and their complex interrelationship with development." Un Secretary-General Kofi Annan, from his report on strengthening the Organization, nine November 2002.[ii]

Overview [edit]

The United nations Convention constitutes a comprehensive international treaty regarding the protection of migrant workers' rights. It emphasizes the connection betwixt migration and human being rights, which is increasingly becoming a crucial policy topic worldwide. The Convention aims at protecting migrant workers and members of their families; its beingness sets a moral standard, and serves as a guide and stimulus for the promotion of migrant rights in each country.

In the Preamble, the Convention recalls conventions by International Labour System on migrant workers: Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949, Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975, and on forced labour; Forced Labour Convention and Abolition of Forced Labour Convention as well as international human rights treaties including Convention against Discrimination in Didactics.

The primary objective of the Convention is to foster respect for migrants' homo rights. Migrants are not simply workers, they are also human beings. The Convention does non create new rights for migrants merely aims at guaranteeing equality of handling, and the same working conditions, including in case of temporary work, for migrants and nationals. The Convention innovates because it relies on the fundamental notion that all migrants should accept access to a minimum degree of protection. The Convention recognizes that regular migrants accept the legitimacy to merits more than rights than irregular immigrants, only information technology stresses that irregular migrants must see their key human being rights respected, similar all human beings.

In the meantime, the Convention proposes that actions be taken to eradicate secret movements, notably through the fight confronting misleading information inciting people to drift irregularly, and through sanctions against traffickers and employers of undocumented migrants.

Article vii of this Convention protects the rights of migrant workers and their families regardless of "sexual practice, race, colour, language, faith or conviction, political or other opinion, national, indigenous or social origin, nationality, age, economic position, property, marital status, birth, or other status".[iii] And Article 29 protects rights of child of migrant worker to name, to regitration of nascency and to a nationality.

This Convention is likewise recalled by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the Preamble.[4]

Parties and signatories [edit]

Equally of August 2021 countries that have ratified the Convention are primarily countries of origin of migrants (such as Mexico, Kingdom of morocco, and the Philippines). For these countries, the Convention is an important vehicle to protect their citizens living abroad. In the Philippines, for example, ratification of the Convention took place in a context characterized by several cases of Filipino workers being mistreated abroad: such cases injure the Filipino population and prompted the ratification of the Convention. All the same, these countries are as well transit and destination countries, and the Convention delineates their responsibleness to protect the rights of migrants in their territory, and they have done little to protect those at dwelling.[5] [6]

No migrant-receiving state in Western Europe or North America has ratified the Convention. Other important receiving countries, such as Australia, Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Bharat and S Africa have not ratified the Convention.




Earth population covered by the treaty[1] [a]

Legend Population[a] Per.


one,790,722,000 22.97%


83,145,000 one.07%


five,920,932,000 75.96%
Parties and signatories[1]
Country Status Signature Deposit Method Population[a]
Albania Party 5 June 2007 Accession ii,878,000
People's democratic republic of algeria Party 21 April 2005 Accession 43,851,000
Argentine republic Party 10 August 2004 23 February 2007 Ratification 45,196,000
Armenia Signatory 26 September 2013 two,963,000
Azerbaijan Party 11 January 1999 Accession 10,139,000
People's republic of bangladesh Political party 7 October 1998 24 August 2011 Ratification 164,689,000
Belize Party 14 Nov 2001 Accession 398,000
Republic of benin Party xv September 2005 half dozen July 2018 Ratification 12,123,000
Bolivia Party 16 October 2000 Accession 11,673,000
Bosnia and herzegovina Party 13 December 1996 Accretion three,281,000
Burkina Faso Party 16 November 2001 26 November 2003 Ratification 20,903,000
Cabo Verde Political party 16 September 1997 Accession 556,000
Cambodia Signatory 27 September 2004 xvi,719,000
Republic of cameroon Signatory fifteen December 2009 26,546,000
Chad Party 26 September 2012 22 Feb 2022 Ratification 16,426,000
Republic of chile Party 24 September 1993 21 March 2005 Ratification 19,116,000
Colombia Party 24 May 1995 Accretion 50,883,000
Comoros Signatory 22 September 2000 870,000
Congo, Commonwealth of the Party 29 September 2008 31 March 2017 Ratification v,518,000
Ecuador Party 5 February 2002 Accession 17,643,000
Egypt Party nineteen February 1993 Accession 102,334,000
El salvador Party thirteen September 2002 xiv March 2003 Ratification 6,486,000
Fiji Party 19 August 2019 Accretion 896,000
Gabon Signatory 15 December 2004 2,226,000
Gambia Party 20 September 2017 28 September 2018 Ratification 2,417,000
Ghana Political party 7 September 2000 7 September 2000 Ratification 31,073,000
Guatemala Party 7 September 2000 14 March 2003 Ratification 17,916,000
Guinea Party 7 September 2000 Accretion 13,133,000
Guinea-Bissau Political party 12 September 2000 22 October 2018 Ratification 1,968,000
Guyana Political party 15 September 2005 7 July 2010 Ratification 787,000
Republic of haiti Signatory 5 December 2013 11,403,000
Honduras Political party ix Baronial 2005 Accession 9,905,000
Indonesia Party 22 September 2004 31 May 2012 Ratification 273,524,000
Jamaica Party 25 September 2008 25 September 2008 Ratification 2,961,000
Kyrgyzstan Party 29 September 2003 Accession 6,524,000
Lesotho Party 24 September 2004 16 September 2005 Ratification 2,142,000
Liberia Signatory 22 September 2004 5,058,000
Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya Party 18 June 2004 Accession 6,871,000
Madagascar Political party 24 September 2014 xiii May 2015 Ratification 27,691,000
Mali Party 5 June 2003 Accession 20,251,000
Islamic republic of mauritania Political party 22 January 2007 Accession 4,650,000
Mexico Party 22 May 1991 8 March 1999 Ratification 128,933,000
Montenegro Signatory 23 October 2006 628,000
Morocco Political party 15 August 1991 21 June 1993 Ratification 36,911,000
Mozambique Party fifteen March 2012 nineteen August 2013 Ratification 31,255,000
Nicaragua Party 26 October 2005 Accession 6,625,000
Niger Party 18 March 2009 Accession 24,207,000
Nigeria Political party 27 July 2009 Accretion 206,140,000
Palau Signatory 20 September 2011 xviii,000
Paraguay Party thirteen September 2000 23 September 2008 Ratification vii,133,000
Peru Political party 22 September 2004 fourteen September 2005 Ratification 32,972,000
Philippines Party xv November 1993 5 July 1995 Ratification 109,581,000
Rwanda Political party 15 December 2008 Accession 12,952,000
São Tomé and Príncipe Party six September 2000 10 Jan 2017 Ratification 219,000
Senegal Party ix June 1999 Accession 16,744,000
Serbia Signatory eleven November 2004 viii,737,000
Seychelles Party 15 Dec 1994 Accession 98,000
Sierra Leone Signatory 15 September 2000 7,977,000
Sri Lanka Party xi March 1996 Accession 21,413,000
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Party 29 Oct 2010 Accession 111,000
Syria Party two June 2005 Accession 17,501,000
Tajikistan Party 7 September 2000 eight January 2002 Ratification 9,538,000
Timor-Leste Political party 30 January 2004 Accretion one,318,000
Togo Party xv November 2001 sixteen December 2020 Ratification 8,279,000
Turkey Party 13 January 1999 27 September 2004 Ratification 84,339,000
Uganda Party 14 November 1995 Accession 45,741,000
Uruguay Party 15 February 2001 Accession three,474,000
Venezuela Party iv October 2011 25 October 2016 Ratification 28,436,000

Run into also [edit]

  • Immigration
  • Migrant workers
  • International Labour Arrangement
  • International Migrants Day
  • International System for Migration
  • Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949
  • Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975
  • Convention on domestic workers

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Population figures are 2020 mid-year medium-variant projections from the United Nations World Population Prospects 2019.[7]

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h "13. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families. New York, 18 December 1990". United nations Treaty base of operations . Retrieved two Baronial 2021.
  2. ^ "Un Maintenance Folio". www.united nations.org . Retrieved 2 January 2020.
  3. ^ Kinnear, Karen L. (2011). Women in Developing Countries: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO. p. 184. ISBN9781598844252.
  4. ^ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Preamble,(d)
  5. ^ Palmer, Wayne; Missbach, Antje (4 May 2019). "Enforcing labour rights of irregular migrants in Indonesia". Tertiary World Quarterly. xl (5): 908–925. doi:x.1080/01436597.2018.1522586. ISSN 0143-6597.
  6. ^ Palmer, Wayne (2018). "Dorsum Pay for Trafficked Migrant Workers: An Indonesian Case Report". International Migration. 56 (ii): 56–67. doi:10.1111/imig.12376.
  7. ^ "World Population Prospects 2019: Volume I: Comprehensive Tables" (PDF). United nations. 2019. pp. 23–32. Archived (PDF) from the original on 9 February 2022. Retrieved xiii Feb 2022.

External links [edit]

  • Full text of the Convention (English)
  • Full text of the Convention (Spanish)
  • Signatures and ratifications
  • The Committee on Migrant Workers (which monitors the implementation of the convention)
  • The 2002 International Migration Report published past the United nations Department of Economic and Social Diplomacy/Population Sectionalisation
  • Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
  • UNESCO Programme on International Migration and Multicultural Policies: Project on the United nations Convention on Migrants' Rights
  • International Labour Organization
  • International Organisation for Migration
  • Migrants Rights International
  • Migrant Forum in Asia
  • Announcement on the Rights of Expelled and Deported Persons


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Convention_on_the_Protection_of_the_Rights_of_All_Migrant_Workers_and_Members_of_Their_Families

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